cars of north east that was supposed to on factors such as
cars of north east Serious problem in the big cities traffic jams remain . The company “Yandex" has published the results of Trials conducted service " Yandex - maps " in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Kieve.Vesnoy 2008 each of 800 daily traffic jams in the capital of Russia stopped about 1400 machines , forcing drivers to lose more than 12 and a half hours per month, which is more cars of north east than half an hour last year’s result . The toughest day for Muscovites is Monday. Northern Capital practically behind in the number of traffic jams , although their duration is 1.6 times less than in Moskve.Ekaterinburg and Kiev are more cars of north east favorable picture , 400 and 350 caps per day , respectively. Also stand in these tubes have to slightly less than in Moscow and north east Raspredelenie congestion by time of day did not bring any surprises - is the morning and evening rush hours. However, in Kiev and Yekaterinburg cars
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